Dear 4°3 & 4è6, Here are two songs to help you learn your irregular verbs while having fun and singing ! Verbes irréguliers en musique 4e 1/2 and "Verbes irréguliers en musique 4e 2/2"
...And here is your deadline to learn them: Deadline irregular verbs 4°3.pdf Deadline irregular verbs 4°6.pdf You also have the possibility to play games in order to help you learn your irregular verbs. You can find the game in the FUN category: "Spin the Wheel - Irregular Verbs". Spin the Wheel :...
Dear students, Today is European Day of Languages. Here is an interesting website to learn many things about languages and to have fun. I've put it in English and in French so everyone can understand, just choose your favourite version Enjoy! European Day of Languages Journée Européenne des...
Dear 5° & 4°, Here is a document to help you revise how to tell the time: Clock And don't forget to practise: Exercice time (easy) Exercice time (more difficult) Exercice time with clocks (more difficult) If you still have some difficulties, here is a very easy video to help you:
Dear 4°3 & 4°6, Here is the document I gave you today about the weather. It's nicer with colours, isn't it?!
Dear pupils, Here is a model to help create your English notebook's first page. Feel free to draw or stick photos. Have fun doing it !
Chers élèves, Voici plusieurs liens vers des sites pour vous entraîner à l'oral et à l'écrit. Je vous rappelle que l'oral (à la fois l'expression et la compréhension) est très important en anglais puisque c'est la langue la plus utilisée dans le monde de nos jours (si on ne compte pas le...
Hello to all of my students! I'm looking forward to working with you during this new school year. I've opened up this blog to give you pupils opportunities to keep in touch with English. I want...