Dear pupils, I wish you all a Merry Christmas ! Enjoy your holidays too ! Here are two karaokes on the songs "We wish you a Merry Christmas" and "Jingle Bells" if you want to sing along ! We wish you a Merry Christmas Jingle Bells And if you want to do some fun work, here iare lots of different...
Dear 3°5 & 3°6, I wish you a good internship. Make the most of it and have a great time ! I'll see you after the holidays in 2024;)
Dear pupils, Today is the celebration of Thanksgiving in the USA. In Canada, Thanksgiving was celebrated on October 9th. Originally, Thanksgiving was a day to celebrate the harvest* or to give thanks for good health after a war. Today, American families gather* together every year on the third...
Dear pupils, Here are different activities and games about Halloween for you to have fun and learn more about this celebration. Enjoy! 1) An interactive book 2) Halloween vocabulary, tests, quizzes and activities 3) More Halloween games
Dear pupils, Here is a video to learn more about the history of Halloween :
Dear 3°5 & 3°6, Here is the list of irregular verbs you have to learn : Classement VI par ressemblance 3è And here is your deadline to learn them : Deadline irregular verbs 3°5 Deadline irregular verbs 3°6 You also have the possibility to play games in order to help you learn your irregular...
Dear 3°5 & 3°6, Here are songs to help you learn your irregular verbs while having fun and singing ! - 80 most common irregular verbs in music : - 80 irregular verbs rap :
Chers élèves de 3è5 & 3è6, Voici un lien vers un site très utile pour vous aider à apprendre les verbes irréguliers. Il se présente sous forme de diaporama sonore, avec des couleurs pour aider les élèves dyslexiques à mieux mémoriser. Vous pourrez aussi vous entraîner avec des...